Ravel Violin Sonata


Had so much fun exploring, rehearsing and performing Ravel Violin Sonata No. 2 with Chi Wei at Walnut Hill School for the Arts! Really enjoyed our Blues, from the rehearsing process where we seek for all the weird sounds on our instruments so we can compliment each other, to the point where I forgot there's a violin in my hands. And I must say Chiwei did such a phenomenal job creating that laid-back ambience in that movement. Oh what a treat! 
Ravel trio in April, Ravel sonata in August, now what, Ravel duo in November? 
Many thanks to our beloved Dr. Chan and music director Mr. Lynn Change for this amazing opportunity! 


能跟好朋友一起演奏是多麽棒的事!13年前我跟奇偉在胡桃山音樂營相識,12年過後我們回到同樣的地方玩拉威爾小提琴奏鳴曲。非常感謝攝影師 Benjamin先生,捕捉了我們在台上表演的片刻,看著自己拉琴時多變的樣子真讓我重新認識了自己😎
也請讓我邀請您把目光投向奇偉的演奏服身上,這件蕾絲bling bling是駱媽媽今夏的得意之作,而奇偉在音樂營的「Fashion King」封號可說是當之無愧!
PC Benjamin Cheung
